Welcome SBL, ETS, and ASOR Attendees!

Whether you are at the academic meetings in person or attending virtually, get 50% off Hendrickson Academic titles with code Academic23! Hurry, sale lasts November 8th through November 15th at 11:59pm EST. 

Featured Titles

Corpus Christologicum: Texts and Translations for the Study of Jewish Messianism and Early Christology

Who Created Christianity?:
Fresh Approaches to the Relationship Between Paul and Jesus
The Rewards of Learning Greek & Hebrew: Discovering the Richness of the Bible in Its Original Languages
Avoiding Pastoral Pitfalls:
A Guide to Surviving and Thriving in Ministry

A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature

The Ark Of The Covenant In Its Egyptian Context: An Illustrated Journey

Ancient Wisdom for the Good Life
Holy Living:
Jonathan Edwards’s Seventy Resolutions for Living the Christian Life

Biblia Hebraica: Leviticus

Encountering Jesus in the Real World of the Gospels
Creation Rediscovered:
Finding New Meaning in an Ancient Story
Preaching Difficult Texts of the Old Testament

A Handbook of the Jewish Roots of the Gospels
A Hebrew Reader for the Psalms:
40 Beloved Texts