Free "Early Bible History Time Line" eChart

Bible history is filled with hundreds of important people, events, and dates, making it difficult to keep it all straight.

With this week's free eChart, enjoy seeing key events from early Bible history all on one time line! Featuring  Old Testament events and world history events side-by-side, easily see what events from world history were happening at the same time as key Bible events.

From the Creation to Moses and the Exodus, see dozens of Bible and world history events at a glance with this week's free Early Bible History time line featuring:

  • Dozens of events across over 800 years of Bible and world history (2200–1500 BC)
  • Photos and illustrations to help you visualize key events and people
  • Dates and helpful descriptions to help you place Bible history side-by-side with world history
  • And more!

This week's free eChart was taken from the 20-foot time line in the Rose Book of Bible & Christian History Time Lines. Get the whole book for just $20.99!