Free Bible Study for Lent from Journey to the Resurrection

Whether or not you are choosing to fast or observe Lent, you know that Jesus’ forty days of temptation in the wilderness bears incredible lessons about overcoming trials and challenges. For you, it might be the unexpected loss of a loved one, or maybe a health scare. Maybe you covet the new car your neighbor has, or maybe you’re tempted to fib a little on your resume for a huge promotion.

This free week’s eChart download will help you unpack the practical lessons from this passage in the Bible to apply to your own life. It includes:

  • Easy-to-understand summaries and explanations
  • A step-by-step how-to guide on fasting
  • Life application and discussion questions
  • And more!

Your free download features just a few pages from Rose’s Journey to the Resurrection. Get the whole 6-session Bible study for just $5.99!