
Free eChart: “Easter Prophecies Fulfilled”

You know that Jesus’ life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection fulfilled incredible prophecies dating back to the Old Testament, but what if you could see these key Easter prophecies and their fulfillments side by side?

From Jesus being lifted up as Moses lifted up a serpent to being buried with the rich and raised from the dead, we’ve unpacked the key Easter prophecies and fulfillments every Christian should know in your weekly eChart download! This full-color chart from our bestselling pamphlet Palm Sunday to Easter covers:

  • Original prophecy
  • Old Testament highlights (and where to find them)
  • New Testament fulfillment (and scripture references)

This eChart is just a few pages from the incredible Palm Sunday to Easter pamphlet, on sale for this week only for just 25% off in qty of 10 or more!

HURRY! This special ends soon! Stock up on these bestselling Easter materials and reference tools before they run out! Offer ends 1/31/24, or while supplies last.

US residents only. Offer not applicable to digital products or bulk discounts.