
Free eChart: "3 Tools to Fix Money Stress"

About 60% of Americans would not be able to pay for a $1,000 emergency with savings. The average American has over $5,000 of credit card debt and $39,000 of student loan debt. Debt is also shown to dramatically heighten stress and lower overall health and well-being. All these factors make it difficult for the average person to plan for the future. So, what’s the remedy?

Regardless of the size of your savings, credit score, or debt, if the subject of money comes up and you feel a twist in your gut or sweat on your brow, you are not alone. The solution is elegant, and shockingly simple: to stop separating your finances from Jesus—but how? This week’s free download will help you shift your perspective about finances, feel empowered about your money, and take control with simple models. 

This week’s free eChart is jam-packed with practical helps and tools to get you started while you wait for your copy of Whole Heart Finances to ship!

This eChart is just an excerpt of our NEW RELEASE Whole Heart Financeson sale this week for just $15.99! Don’t wait to get 20% off and save $4!