Finding Freedom from Depression

Depression can make even the most beautiful things in life seem meaningless. It can make time feel indefinite and malleable, an infinite drip from the mind’s faucet without beginning or end. Getting out of bed, showering, and leaving the house become some of the most difficult things imaginable. In these times, relationships can strain and lead us to feeling helpless and alone. It is easy to believe the lie that we say to ourselves—that it always has been, and always will be like this. It is much harder to break a cycle of self-neglect and have hope that “joy comes with the morning” (Ps. 30:5 ESV).

Healing and Endurance Amidst Suffering

This Christian devotional book, 100 Days to Freedom from Depression, is centered upon finding healing and hope, even in the midst of suffering. It covers topics such as the unknown, fear, and endurance through difficult circumstances. It gives practical steps to establish routines, enjoy laughter, and refocus our minds on the tasks before us instead of the overwhelming weight of what we are feeling. Find freedom from depression in this short daily devotional and read about the way that God cares for his people, even when there seems to be no hope for a better day.

You Are Not Alone

Did you know that great leaders of faith also felt isolated and abandoned by God? The prophet Elijah believed that he was the only faithful one to survive the Israelites’ wickedness, and that they wanted to kill him too. He asked the Lord to die, saying, “It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers” (1 Kings 19:4). Even so, God gave him bread and water day by day to restore him and showed him that there were still people who honored the Lord as God.

Depression and Fear

Elijah’s story is not so different than depression. It may seem like you are the only one that feels this way, but that is one more lie we need to fight. Acknowledging hurt without dwelling in it is a necessary step on the path of healing. These feelings of depression often overlap with feelings of anxiety and helplessness. One of several Christian devotional books by bestselling author Steven Arterburn, 100 Days to Freedom from Fear and Anxiety, is a great resource for easing the fear that comes with everyday life and the unknown. Other resources include 100 Days to Freedom from Anger and 100 Days to Freedom from Shame, with others covering topics such as peace, character, and healing. 

What’s Inside:

Inside each of these books, enjoy a short devotion for each day, including Scripture for further reflection and quotes from people such as Winston Churchill, Desmond Tutu, Deitrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King Jr. Use this book for yourself or as a gift to others, with the choice of Imitation leather or eBook format! This book is perfect for individual study, prayer groups, discipleship, church libraries, and support groups. Enjoy one or all of Arterburn’s daily devotional books, with the option of a daily devotional for fear and anxiety, for anger, shame, or depression.

Why is this book important?

  • Globally, an estimated 264 million people are affected by depression. Depression is the most common mental disorder and one of the main causes of disability worldwide. (World Health Org)
  • In the U.S. depression is the leading cause of disability for ages 15 to 44. It affects more than 16 million people.
  • As of 2020, youth mental health has worsened. 9.7% of youth in the U.S. have severe major depression. 60% do not receive any mental health treatment.
  • The number of people screening with moderate to severe symptoms of depression and anxiety has continued to increase throughout 2020 and remains higher than rates prior to COVID-19.

Care is crucial for depression. Through 100 Days to Freedom from Depression, find healing and a deeper sense of confidence in the promises of God and the transforming affect of God’s love, from the One who cares for you infinitely.

Were these topics an encouragement to you? Find these and many more in the full book 100 Days to Freedom from Depression.

Other Devotionals in This Series:

100 Days of Peace

In such a turbulent world, it isn't easy to let ourselves stop and breathe. Be reminded of the peace of God that surpasses all understanding in 100 Days of Peace, a short daily devotional that helps you to take a deep breath and trust in God's good plan.

100 Days of Healing

Healing can be a slow and difficult journey, but it is never one you must travel alone. Find rest from your burdens at the foot of the cross. Through 100 Days of Healing, find restoration in establishing healthy habits that strengthen your relationship with God day by day. 

100 Days of Prayer

Prayer is so essential to a life of faith that when God became man, he prayed. Spending five minutes a day to commune with the Lord through 100 Days of Prayer will enrich your prayer life, no matter where you are on your faith journey.  

100 Days of Character

Developing character is a lifetime process. Doing so in a God-honoring way is so integral to our Christian life and relationships with other people. In 100 Days of Character, train your feet to walk on the path of righteousness and see how it affects your relationships for the better!